Categoría: Health
Created by: Bagar
Número de Blosarios: 64
Dymista Spray nazal este utilizat pentru a ameliora simptomele de moderată până la severă sezoniere şi perene rinite alergice, de exemplu: rinoree, picurare post nazale, strănut şi senzaţia de ...
Nasonex adalah satu-harian semprot hidung. Ini secara klinis terbukti membantu mengobati gejala hidung sepanjang tahun dan musiman Alergi rhinitis. Ini membantu mengobati hidung tersumbat yang ...
Nasonex es el aerosol nasal de uno al día. Está clínicamente comprobado para ayudar a tratar los síntomas nasales de la rinitis alérgica estacional tanto durante todo el año. Ayuda a tratar la ...
Spray nasal indicado para o tratamento dos sintomas de rinite alérgica intermitente (sazonal) em adultos e crianças acima de 6 anos de idade e de rinite alérgica persistente (crônica) em adultos e ...
Patanase nasal spray is a steroid-free nasal antihistamine. It relieves seasonal allergies topically by directing the solution to the affected area — the nose. It blocks the effects of naturally ...
Nasonex is the one-daily nasal spray. It is clinically proven to help treat nasal symptoms of both seasonal and year-round allergic rhinitis. It helps treat nasal congestion that happens with ...
It is indicated for the management of the nasal symptoms of seasonal and perennial allergic and nonallergic rhinitis in adults and pediatric patients 4 years of age and older. Safety and ...